Growing out of hunger

Growing out of hunger

Providing students from developing countries scholarships in agricultural development
so that they and their fellow countrymen can benefit from a more sustainable future.

Make a real difference to
those living in rural
communities in
developing countries.

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One year scholarships at
UK-based agricultural and horticultural universities and colleges.

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Our Scholarships

Providing opportunities for students from developing countries

We help students from developing countries to grow themselves out of hunger so that they and their fellow countrymen benefit from a more sustainable future. We do this through providing agricultural and horticultural scholarships.

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Our scholarship placements take place within the UK at leading agricultural and horticultural education institutions; an approach that we believe offers advantageous experiential learning.

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10-week Short Course

This course has been designed specifically for students who can [...]

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The Masters Programme

Each scholarship provides education for a one year course. We [...]

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How to apply for the MSc programme

Applications for our Masters scholarships are made directly to one of our partner universities/colleges. To find out how you can apply, please view the checklist and guide.

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Marshal Papworth Christmas message 2024

Marshal Papworth Christmas message 2024


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Northamptonshire farm business support agricultural charity to improve food security in developing countries

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Marshal Papworth Nepalese Student Represents University of Reading and Nepal in Global Dialogue on Food Security at UN FAO World Food Forum

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Bishop of Brixworth appointed Patron of Marshal Papworth fund

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Eighteen students from Sub-Saharan Africa make commitment to help their communities with agricultural development charity

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These are just a few of our suggestions as to how you can help. If you have some of your own ideas that you would like to discuss we would be more than happy to meet with you.

How organisations can help us to help many more students secure a sustainable future.

To help many more students benefit from our scholarships we rely on the generous support of organisations.


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As an individual for just £15 a year (or £10 for East of England Agricultural Society members) you can become a Friend of Marshal Papworth

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Chrissy Moyo

The Marshal Papworth short course has really influenced my future goals because I am now motivated to keep updated with new innovations and farming technologies through online agriculture courses, whilst continuing to deliver this knowledge to communities in Malawi

malawi Moulton College

David Edache

To the next Marshal Papworth scholars, I openly advise you to take full advantage of the lifetime opportunity the Marshal Papworth Fund offers. The scholarship is unique in a way that it not only gives you an opportunity to take home an MSc degree, but to make a lifetime network of incredible people.

Harper Adams University Nigeria

Florence Achieng Agunda

In the UK I learned so much about farming from visiting other farms and speaking to farmers, and I’m pleased to encourage this with my training groups. I have also benefitted from my fellow Marshal Papworth alumni; we constantly exchange ideas and the performance of different practices, which means I can make sure I am […]

Harper Adams University Kenya

Isaac Kankam-Boadu

The Marshal Papworth Fund scholarship has indeed opened up several opportunities for me and served as a springboard for me to achieve greater heights and help more people to ‘grow out of hunger’. I have become a more confident and assertive person. I am therefore excited to be a contributor to the Marshal Papworth Short […]

ghana University of Bradford

John Wani

Before going to the UK, my dream was to visit progressive and successful farms and indeed this came true through the various visits organised by the Marshal Papworth Fund and the University of Reading. These visits greatly enhanced my knowledge of the farm production systems in the UK and how many farmers have transformed the […]

south sudan university of reading

Ramatu Saaka

I was able to train on organic farming at Harper Adams University and the field trips that the Marshal Papworth Fund arranged to supplement our learning were key in providing me with the skillset and confidence to educate farmers in my community

ghana Harper Adams University

Samuel Sahr Saffa

My Marshal Papworth scholarship opened a window of opportunity to visit different agricultural production sites and factories as supplementary visits to my studies, which definitely inspired and challenged me to translate those examples into workable solutions in Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone university of reading

Shakeb Nabi

Thanks to Marshal Papworth Fund for giving me the opportunity to learn, grow, contribute and help me take leadership roles in this sector. Following my Marshal Papworth scholarship, the quest for learning created a desire within me, which led me to do other Masters studies focusing on humanitarian aid, conflict and peacebuilding across three universities […]

India University of Bradford

Solomon Edwards Ojiambo

I was humbled to receive a Marshal Papworth scholarship. Your investment in my education has not only improved my life and that of my community but also those across the country. As a little boy, I watched my mom struggle to improve our nutrition through subsistence small scale faming just like all the other families […]

Bangor University

Susan Kumwenda

Receiving a Marshal Papworth Fund scholarship has really helped me; very reputable organisations entrust me with different activities especially project evaluations, whilst as an agricultural entrepreneur, I registered an agri-tech company which deals with the production and marketing of maize, groundnuts and soya. Many thanks to the organisers and sponsors of this prestigious Scholarship, allowing […]

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