Shangani Holistic

Shangani Holistic

Shangani Holistic (Pvt) Ltd is a cattle business in Zimbabwe that operates in an area of abundant and diverse wildlife. It operates a holistic management approach, sustainably integrating cattle, wildlife, and community development. Guided by the philosophy that wildlife is integral to ranching operations, the company manages its 65,000-hectare property as an interconnected ecological, social, and economic system. Since 2012, Shangani Holistic has invested in indigenous Nkone/Nguni cattle breeds. Community engagement and empowerment are core components, aiming to benefit local communities through wildlife conservation. The ranch hosts a research centre, welcoming visiting researchers, and prioritizes healing the social fabric. The Ranch is located approximately 1.5 hours from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe’s second largest city. Shangani Holistic is owned by the Oppenheimer family, who have at their core a commitment to environmentally conscious and socially responsible land management

Shangani Holistic

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